Federal Panel Addresses Concerns Over Dangerous Bleeding Related to Xarelto

Posted by Firm Staff on Oct 23, 2016 5:21:36 PM
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Xarelto_FandHLaw.jpegIn 2012, a federal advisory panel voted against expanding the use of the anticoagulant drug Xarelto. According to the New York Times, the panel found that dangerous bleeding associated with Xarelto outweighed evidence that the drug helps reduce the risk of blood clots.


Xarelto was initially approved in 2011 for use in patients with atrial fibrillation, a common form of heart arrhythmia. The federal advisory panel was called when Johnson & Johnson, the manufacturer of the high-grossing anticlotting drug, asked the FDA to expand Xarelto’s use for acute coronary syndrome.


Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of the department of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, said that evidence of increased bleeding should not be taken lightly. In Dr. Nissen’s opinion, when the bleeding caused by Xarelto was in the brain it could lead to irrevocable damage, a complication that he said some considered worse than death.



To help you stay informed, The Law Offices of Foster & Houston will continue to share important news involving Xarelto. If you or a loved one have taken Xarelto and have immediate concerns, please consult your physician. You can learn more about seeking justice and Xarelto by visiting our website or calling (877) 377-5411.


Sources: The New York Times

Topics: Health, Health News, FDA, Health Study, Health Research, The Law Offices of Foster & Houston, FANDHLAW, Ryan Foster, Foster & Houston, Xarelto, Xarelto Lawsuit

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