New Report Supports Claim That Actos Raises Bladder Cancer Risk

Posted by Firm Staff on Apr 5, 2016 10:59:39 AM
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actos.jpgNew findings by The BMJ show that Actos increases risk of bladder cancer by 63 percent.  In fact, that risk increases if Actos is used for more than two years or if a patient takes more than 28,000 milligrams in a lifetime. 


This most recent study stated that when compared with other diabetes drugs, the higher risk of bladder cancer from Actos was found to be significant.  Actos already carries an FDA-mandated warning on its label about bladder cancer risk. 


Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., the manufacturer of Actos, agreed to pay $2.4 billion to settle thousands of Actos lawsuits. There are 9,000 bladder cancer claims pending against Takeda and that number has continued to climb since April 2015. Doctor_.jpg


Cancer treatment can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. At Foster & Houston we understand not only the financial burden, but also the emotional and practical burden of having a loved one with injury or loss.  We have been helping victims of bladder cancer caused by Actos for years.


If you or a loved one has taken Actos, it’s important to be aware of the effects and most importantly, your rights. To help you stay informed, we will continue to share important news involving Actos.


You can learn more about these topics by visiting our website and to view the article in full, click here.

Topics: Health, Health News, Actos, Bladder Cancer, Actos Lawsuit, Health Study, Health Research, The Law Offices of Foster & Houston, FANDHLAW, Ryan Foster, Foster & Houston

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